VisitOstrava!!! Oficiální průvodce Ostravou

Hike to the Ema heap

Hike to the Ema heap

A tour of one of the oldest villages in Ostrava, which was probably founded in the 12th century. Silesian Ostrava was originally called only Ostrava, since the 15th century Polish Ostrava. Today's name Silesian Ostrava has been bearing since the 20th century, specifically since 1919. In the same year, Petr Bezruč (a Czech poet) wrote the poem Polish Ostrava in defense of the original name.

• Slezskoostravský hrad (Silesian-Ostrava Castle, built in the middle of the 13th century, dropped by 16 meters due to mining)
• Old shooting range, U Dubu pub, "old Silesian Ostrava" (stories about houses and places that had to give way to coal mining)
• Trojice Mine (in its time it was one of the most modern mines, for the first time a narrow-gauge mining railway was used there)
• Silesian-Ostrava City Hall (building from 1911-1913)
• view of the Miloš Sýkora Bridge (the bridge that connects the Silesian and Moravian parts of the city)
• Hus Congregational House of the Czechoslovak Hussite Church
• „Ostrava volcano“ Ema heap (317 m above sea level, still burning, piled up in the years 1920-1960, beautiful view of the city)

Duration up to 2 hours

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Hike to the Ema heapHike to the Ema heapHike to the Ema heap

Tourist Information Offices OSTRAVAINFO!!!

Pobočka Elektra


Jurečkova 1935/12

702 00 Moravská Ostrava a Přívoz

Pobočka Věž

New City Hall Viewing Tower

Prokešovo náměstí 1803/8

Moravská Ostrava a Přívoz

Pobočka Přívoz

Main Railway Station

Nádražní 164/215

702 00 Moravská Ostrava a Přívoz

Pobočka Svinov

Ostrava - Svinov Railway Station

Peterkova 1152/14

721 00 Ostrava Svinov

Pobočka Jih


Horní 1664/63a

70030 Ostrava - Jih