VisitOstrava!!! Oficiální průvodce Ostravou


To Ostrava

By car

Ostrava is an important transport hub and a major intersection of Moravian-Silesian region. It is connected to the thick and high-quality network of 1st class roads, linking the cities of this conurbation and neighbouring regions. The D1 motorway is the backbone, linking Ostrava with major cities such as Olomouc, Brno and a connected border crossing Veřňovice-Gorzyczki on the Polish motorway A1 directed through Katowice to Gdansk.

Road distance from Ostrava to major European cities


540 km


170 km


300 km

České Budějovice

346 km


1 590 km

Hradec Králové

240 km


1 700 km

Karlovy Vary

495 km


1 500 km


93 km


1 430 km


456 km


390 km


360 km


310 km

Ústí nad Labem

454 km

By train

Ostrava has 5 railway stations. The most important stations are Ostrava – hlavní nádraží and Ostrava – Svinov. Ostrava main station is located in the district of Přívoz and was first put in operation in 1976. The Ostrava-Svinov railway station underwent a major modernization. Renovation, designed by Václav Filandr, was awarded the Grand Prix prize in 2007. At both stations, passengers will even find the branch of Ostrava city information centre. Other stations include Ostrava-Centre, Ostrava-Vítkovice, Ostrava-Kunčice. There runs a railway track from Ostrava-Svinov railway station in the direction of Opava. Trains, which go through Ostrava-Centre station, go mainly in the direction of Frýdek-Místek and The Beskydy Mountains.

ČD centrum Ostrava-Svinov

ČD centrum Ostrava hlavní nádraží

Peterkova 79
721 00 Ostrava – Svinov
tel.: +420 972 761 398 (ČD – information)
tel.: +420 972 111 111 (ČD – switchboard)

Nádražní 196
702 20 Ostrava – Přívoz
tel.: +420 972 762 555 (ČD – information)
tel.: +420 972 762 456 (ČD – mezin. pokladna)
tel.: +420 972 111 111 (ČD – switchboard)

By air

Leoš Janáček Ostrava International Airport is 25 km away from the city centre. The airport provides regular and charter flights and it is equipped for the handling of air cargo, including the inventory of equipment. New and modern departure hall was built in 2006. The airport is accessible by road. Public transport is provided by bus line No. 670 Ostrava-Nový Jičín, line No. 333 Ostrava ÚAN-The Central Bus Station-Mošnov Airport and by train line Ostrava Airport Mošnov-Ostrava-Svinov-Ostrava hl. n.-Mosty u Jablunkova. All connections are linked to the flight departures and arrivals. The bus stop is located directly in front of the airport hall and a new train station is connected to the departure hall. OSTRAVAINFO!!! tourist information office is available in the arrivals hall.

Letiště Ostrava, a.s.
Leoš Janáček Airport
742 51 Mošnov
tel.: +420 597 471 136
fax: +420 597 471 105 (123)


Public transport

Public transport in Ostrava is a part of The Integrated Transport System (ODIS) which guarantees a coordinated offer of transport of multiple carriers in Ostrava and the surrounding areas. It is mainly DPO-Public Transport in Ostrava which operates the seven hundred vehicles in a dense network of tram, bus and trolleybus lines and annually transports up to 114 million persons. Timetables of all the lines are posted at the stations, and they are also available in book form and on the Internet . The e-fare (10 min., 45 min., 24h and 3-day) can be purchased directly in the vehicle by contactless debit/credit card, by SMS, via mobile application Moje DPO or using e-Wallet on ODISka Card or Credit Ticket by DPO (KREDITní Jízdenka) which is sold in the Tourist Information Offices OSTRAVAINFO!!!, authorized newstands, ticket machines or in the DPO points. Passengers, who were born before 1st January 1946, can use personal documents (identity card or passport) issued by the competent administrative authority, as a travel document. Most of the vehicles of public transport are a low-floor, which will be appreciated mainly by disabled people and by parents with prams. The Integrated Transport System also includes an extremely developed suburban transport.

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Tourist Information Offices OSTRAVAINFO!!!

Pobočka Elektra


Jurečkova 1935/12

702 00 Moravská Ostrava a Přívoz

Pobočka Věž

New City Hall Viewing Tower

Prokešovo náměstí 1803/8

Moravská Ostrava a Přívoz

Pobočka Přívoz

Main Railway Station

Nádražní 164/215

702 00 Moravská Ostrava a Přívoz

Pobočka Svinov

Ostrava - Svinov Railway Station

Peterkova 1152/14

721 00 Ostrava Svinov

Pobočka Jih


Horní 1664/63a

70030 Ostrava - Jih