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Colours of Ostrava 2024: Sam Smith

Publikováno: 31.10.2023

British singer Sam Smith is the first officially announced star of the Colors of Ostrava 2024 festival. The organizers have published the names of the first performers in style at Ostrava's DOCK club on October 30. The 21st edition of the Colors of Ostrava festival will take place from July 17 to 20, 2024 in the Dolní Vítkovice area. Sam Smith's first ever concert in the Czech Republic will take place on Thursday, July 18 at the Česká Spořitelna Stage.

Gloria in Ostrava

Sam Smith will present their latest album Gloria in Ostrava and they promise a spectacular show with the participation of trans musician Kim Petras. Thanks to their song Unholy, they became the first non-binary and trans artists to win a Grammy Award and reach the top of the most prestigious American chart, the Billboard Hot 100. The name of the first headliner was announced by the festival's dramaturg Filip Košťálek at a meeting with fans.

Sam Smith have won five Grammy Awards. In 2016, they won it for the song Writings on the Wall for the Bond film Spectre, for which they also received an Oscar award for best film song. In 2019, Sam Smith decided to go public with his non-binary gender identity, wishing to be addressed as "they", as they felt neither male nor female. On his latest album Gloria, Sam Smith moves from nostalgic ballads to more dance music, and above all he loudly encourages reconciliation with oneself, honesty and the courage to live in accordance with one's essence, identity and orientation. "Openness is a value on which our festival is very much based. That's why we fully respect Sam Smith's identity, which includes addressing him in the plural, and that's why we approach the singer in this way in our communication," says Zlata Holušová, the director of the festival, about the philosophy of the festival.

Stay with me

Sam Smith are touring in Australia this fall. Next year they will have a European tour, during which they will perform on Thursday, July 18, 2024 in Dolní Vítkovice. “I'm thrilled to be bringing Sam Smith to Colours. Their voice is magical to me and the honesty with which they open up to the world is absolutely amazing. Every year we want to have a program that moves the music world. Sam Smith's compositions have incredible numbers of downloads and views, and I think everyone knows Stay with Me from the radio," says Zlata Holušová.about the British singer.

At a meeting with festival fans at the Dock club, the organizers also presented other already confirmed performers. For example, the Japanese Buddhist monk Yogetsu Akasaka will perform at the festival with a fascinating and completely innovative form of beatbox meditation music. Another performer is the seven-piece Dutch band Son Mieux, which rediscovers the musical arrangements and costumes of the seventies disco wave and uses them to compose their current pop hits. The trio Klangphonics will also perform, fusing electronic music and live instruments into melodic techno and energetic deephouse.

More information at Colours of Ostrava or Sam Smith websites

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Colours of Ostrava 2024: Sam SmithColours of Ostrava 2024: Sam SmithColours of Ostrava 2024: Sam SmithColours of Ostrava 2024: Sam SmithColours of Ostrava 2024: Sam SmithColours of Ostrava 2024: Sam SmithColours of Ostrava 2024: Sam SmithColours of Ostrava 2024: Sam Smith


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