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Festival in the streets / ART&LIFE

Publikováno: 14.6.2024

The festival in the streets with the subtitle ART&LIFE will take place on June 21 and 22 in Ostrava-Poruba. It's the thirteenth edition of the festival and for the third time it will be happening at Porubska's Hlavní třída and the adjacent yards. There is no entry fee.

More than 200 artists representing the culture of twenty countries will perform on two main stages and several smaller stages. An inherent part of the festival is good food and drink, including the popular Wine Festival, and the handmade products of Czech creators. The organizers also prepared a children's zone for kids

"Festival in the streets is different from other cultural events in Ostrava. Not only with its scope and concept, but above all with it's reception by local people. The festival program often takes place in the immediate vicinity of their homes, which the people of Ostrava take as an opportunity to actually go out into the streets and spend time together, with neighbors and other visitors," says Petra Hradilová, thr director of the Festival in the Streets. She also appreciates the generous space of Hlavní třída in Poruba: "There is enough space for concerts, parades of street artists, but also for resting on the grass."

Music from all around the world

There will be a total of nine stages. Three of them are exclusively for music, and musicians from the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, France, Ireland, Italy, as well as from far away Korea and Guinea will be performing there.

The music program of the Festival in the Streets will be opened on Friday, June 21 at Alšovo náměstí by a bunch of cheerful guys with even more cheerful songs. They will come from Poland and call themselves Propabanda East Collective. A safe bet is the Italian group BandAdriatica. It's one of the bands that will also be present at the simultaneously ongoing music event Czech Music Crossroads in the nearby Poklad Cultural Center. Eight wind instrument players will warm up Ostrava with spirited southern rhythms. And another performer who will offer his musical skills at both events in Ostrava is the world-renowned multi-instrumentalist from Guinea, N´Faly Kouyaté. Hussam Aliwat - half French, half Palestinian. With the quartet Osam, they set a visionary musical goal: to introduce the world to the music of the Orient, but with modern elements of jazz and rock.

Enjoyers of Czech music will certainly appreciate the surprising combination of Irish music with a touch of the Beskydy mountains performed by Acoustic Irish. Duo KuKačka is a project of the Ostrava singer and member of the legendary group Robson Pavle Kuči, and it will remind you of the good old rock. The Minestrone duo will offer a magical combination of two guitars and four hands, Blondýna, aka Eva Suková, will entertain with puns, and the so-called "femme folk", and the drummers Asaf will excite everyone with their drum show. On Friday afternoon, Asaf will compete in a real street fight with the home team Random Strokes. However, those who want to see for themselves that even a woman can control a drum set should not miss the performance of the Biograph band.

Busking - the best street art

Busking, or street art, is the basis of the Festival in the Streets. In addition to the musicians who will perform on the festival stages, people can also check out those who will play on the street corners of Poruba. In addition, a colorful show of street acrobatics, pantomimes and comedy awaits all festival guests.

For example, Argentinian El Goma has a unique talent for turning every situation into comedy, and he provides entertainment with his witty ideas. Characteristic Japanese humor will be presented by the HeroMacro duo. The acrobatic archer and snake woman Sara Twister will come from Germany, the Spanish-French couple Umami DanceTheatre will bring a funny show full of humor, seasoned with breakdance and pantomime, and the unique acrobat and comedian Mistral will come from the busy streets of Italy to Ostrava.

Dance, theater and fire show

A street art festival is definitely not complete without a fire show. The organizers decided to include two fireshows in this year's program - at the end of the first and second festival days. On Friday, the Hungarian duo Flame Flowers will perform their "fire waltz". Then on Saturday, they will join forces with the Firebirds artistic group and let you see the secrets of the magical legend of the white Phoenix in the Pyrodis show. Dancers from the Biren Kalindi Chhau Group will perform a real Indian dance in masks, during which mythical creatures come to life. The real Korean marching band Xiido will play in the festival parade, and the Czech Divadlo Ententýky will take care of a theater program for children.

Fun activities for kids

In addition to the theatrical fairy tales of the mouse Klárka and the squirrel Terka, the youngest visitors to the festival can try creative creation of pictures with the help of colored sand in the Children's Zone. Children and their parents will be entertained by board games and puzzles at the Mindok booth, and there will be creations, painting, composition and quizzes at the Balloon booth. In addition, children can have fun with competitions, sports activities and workshops. Sister organisations of the festival, such as Vysoká škola baňská - Technical University Ostrava, participated in the organisation of the event.

"Street art creates a special relationship with the audience. Musicians, acrobats, theater artists and jugglers are drawn into the story and become a part of the performance. And that's exactly why the Festival in the Streets is the best. Everyone feels good, they enjoy being together and they communicate with each other," says the director of the festival, Petra Hradilová. "And adding good food and drink will bring the nice atmosphere to perfection. We offer all of that at the festival." she adds.

Gastro zone

Hlavní Třída and Florida will offer dozens of stands and food trucks with hot and cold treats. Just like last year, wine will be poured on Alšovo náměstí as part of the popular Wine Festival, offering the best harvest of the Znojmo region.

Smoking zone

Fans of hookahs will not be left wanting. In cooperation with the Ostrava v dýmu festival, stands with equipment for hookah smokers will be available.

Festival market

Handmade products, clothes, jewelry and accessories from original Czech creators will be at the festival. The organizers of the Festival in the streets have carefully selected the most skillful ones, so that every visitor can enjoy themselves and at the same time support Czech designers.

The general partner of the event is the city district of Poruba. "I am glad that we can host this wonderful event for the third time. The combination of street art and the monumental Hlavní třída works perfectly and creates a wonderful atmosphere that people can't find elsewhere," added the mayor of Poruba, Lucie Baránková Vilamová.

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