Publikováno: 16.8.2024
From August 12 to 16, Ostrava will host folk ensembles not only from Czech republuc, but also from Poland, Greece, Slovenia, Slovakia and Ukraine.
Mariánské Hory, Poruba and Jih city districts
"Over 25 folklore ensembles will make Ostrava dance. When it comes to foreign ensembles, I would like to single out Zespół Pieśni i Tańca ŁANY, the ensemble is a representative of Wielkopolska folklore from the Polish city of Poznań," says festival director Lukáš Pavlík. All the events are free except for the finals on the Silesian Ostrava castle.
Tthe traditional opening concert on the Masaryk Square will be held on Monday, August 12, at 4 p.m. It will will follow up a parade through the city center from the Elektra tram stop to Masaryk square. On Tuesday, the ensembles will perform at Ostrava-Jih square and on Wednesday at Mariánské square in Mariánské Hory. Thursday's program will include Alšovo square in Ostrava Poruba. On Friday, the festival culminates with a half-day program at Silesian Ostrava Castle.
Finals at Silesian Ostrava Castle
Local ensembles will perform at the castle: the organizer Hlubina Folk Song and Dance Ensemble, the Silesian Ensemble of Helena Salichová, the annual participant the Moravian Folk Ensemble Ševčík, the Morava Folk Ensemble, the Laš Song and Dance Ensemble Ondřejnica, Ondráš z Janovic, the Jitřenka Folk Ensemble, the Vonica 80 Folk Ensemble and children's folklore ensembles of Helena Salichová, Krasničanek and Holúbek. The Ostrava Roma groups Bachtale čhave and Apsora will also enliven the program.
As part of the Together Without Boundaries festival program, this year the festival will also offer a program for seniors in the Sluníčko, Slunečnice and Korýtko retirement homes. They will also visit the Čtyřlístek Center for Persons with Disabilities and the Klimkovice Spa Colonnade.
You can find more information about the festival and the current program at
Jurečkova 1935/12
702 00 Moravská Ostrava a Přívoz
Prokešovo náměstí 1803/8
Moravská Ostrava a Přívoz
Nádražní 164/215
702 00 Moravská Ostrava a Přívoz
Peterkova 1152/14
721 00 Ostrava Svinov
Horní 1664/63a
70030 Ostrava - Jih