Quickwash is a network of branded self-service laundries with a sophisticated franchise concept. First Quickwash laundromat was opened in April 2014.
A large amount of clothes that you bring with you can be loaded into several washing machines and be washed at the same time. The washing time in laundromat is 30-40 minutes. And this is significant time savings compared to domestic washing machine.
Washed clothes do not have to be hanged on a cord, but can be immediately dried in our industrial dryers. The clothes will be dry in about 20 minutes and almost with no wrinkles because of large drum of the industrial dryer. Just fold your clothes and keep your iron in a closet.
In the Quickwash laundromat you load the washing machine with your clothes, add the detergent and select washing program by yourself. You can wash blankets, pillows, covers for mattresses, sleeping bags etc. in the Quickwash laundromat.
30. dubna 3003/1a
Moravská Ostrava a Přívoz
Phone: +420 725 921 658
E-mail: info@quickwash.cz
Jurečkova 1935/12
702 00 Moravská Ostrava a Přívoz
Prokešovo náměstí 1803/8
Moravská Ostrava a Přívoz
Nádražní 164/215
702 00 Moravská Ostrava a Přívoz
Peterkova 1152/14
721 00 Ostrava Svinov
Horní 1664/63a
70030 Ostrava - Jih