The Arch, Czech Oblouk, is a multifunctional building in Poruba district. The name of the building comes from its layout which was inspired by the Admiralty Palace in St. Petersburg. It’s one of the most iconic structures built in Social Realism of the fifties. The Arch was intended to become an impressive gateway to the new workers' city.
U Oblouku
Ostrava - Poruba
Jurečkova 1935/12
702 00 Moravská Ostrava a Přívoz
Prokešovo náměstí 1803/8
Moravská Ostrava a Přívoz
Nádražní 164/215
702 00 Moravská Ostrava a Přívoz
Peterkova 1152/14
721 00 Ostrava Svinov
Horní 1664/63a
70030 Ostrava - Jih