Thanks to Paul Kupelwieser, director of the Vítkovice Mines and Iron Works in the years 1876-1893, the concept of the construction of New Vítkovice was elaborated and gradually implemented. The intention was to build a modern housing estate connected to an industrial plant, but providing a high standard of comfort in terms of architecture and civic amenities, actually ahead of its time. In addition to Kupelwieser, a number of important domestic and Viennese architects took part in the formation of the new look of Vítkovice. First, a workers' colony was formed, consisting of four one-storey houses, called Westend. This was followed by four houses of the English Colony for office workers. For senior officials a villa was built at the intersection of today's Ruská and Výstavní streets. There were also built workers' barracks, master and clerical colonies and houses, factory hospitals, schools, factory nurseries and kindergartens, a factory hotel, a market and a town hall, which was completed in 1902. The bell tower became the height dominant feature of the centre of Vítkovice in 1880. Originally it was a water tower with two reservoirs with a capacity of 50 m³, to which the nave of St. Paul Church was added in the years 1883-1886. A characteristic feature of all buildings is the brick unplastered masonry.
Mírové náměstí
Ostrava - Vítkovice
Jurečkova 1935/12
702 00 Moravská Ostrava a Přívoz
Prokešovo náměstí 1803/8
Moravská Ostrava a Přívoz
Nádražní 164/215
702 00 Moravská Ostrava a Přívoz
Peterkova 1152/14
721 00 Ostrava Svinov
Horní 1664/63a
70030 Ostrava - Jih